PAIO drinking straws: The sustainable and natural alternative to the straw
PAIO has set itself no less a task than to make the world a little better. In times of climate change and pollution, we as a company produce sustainable and natural drinking straws to do something good for our planet. Our drinking straws are made from sustainable reeds.
PAIO attaches great importance to the fact that the drinking straws are completely natural origin. Also during production, care is taken that they do not come into contact with chemicals - natural reed is to be guaranteed at all times. During production, all the natural properties of the reed stalks are preserved. This is ensured by the fact that they are treated only with water, air and heat. For these reasons, our straws from reeds are also handpicked.
And the best part? In addition to the many great features, the straws are also real eye-catchers. Sustainability and the design are anyway fully in the trend, which is why it can now finally be called thanks to PAIO;en: Goodbye straws made of disposable plastic!

PAIO drinking straws from reed - Für the most delicious drinks
The drinking straws from PAIO are characterized by diversity. The reed drinking straws are available in many different versions. Whether it is a soda, a smoothie, a long drink or a cocktail - there is für the every drink also the perfectly matching drinking straw from PAIO.
All drinking straws made of reed are stable and above all also tasteless. Especially the latter is of course of great importance for a perfect drink. This is one of the reasons why drinking straws are suitable for the catering industry, but also for private use. For home use, the PAIO straws can even be used several times. If you have done their job then, they can be easily composted.
PAIO: Plastic-free straws for a plastic-free future
With the drinking straws PAIO wants to offer not only a great product, but also straws without plastic! Thereby we show that there are good alternatives to plastic straws. But of course you have to come up with something - and that's what PAIO has done. Since 1833, i.e. for many generations, we as a company have been concerned with the economic use of reeds and have always found new applications along the way. Already years ago there were first attempts to develop reed as natural drinking straws. But at that time the time was not yet ripe for the idea, because plastic straws were cheap and ubiquitous. Awareness of the problems associated with the mass use of plastic products had not yet been awakened. This has changed in the meantime and has also found its way into legislation through the ban on single-use plastic products. With our PAIO drinking straws made of reed we can guarantee an ideal replacement for plastic straws. So PAIO is going with the ubiquitous trend around the world, as it becomes more and more important to find alternatives for problematic raw materials.
No more plastic straws - that means better future opportunities for everyone on the planet. That's why it's hugely important to focus on alternatives to plastic. Besides the reed - which PAIO uses for the drinking straws - glass, bamboo and metal are suitable. The important thing is that everyone makes a contribution to the well-being of the planet in their everyday lives. The good news is that a small contribution can be made with every drink - by using a sustainable drinking straw. All for a plastic-free future.
The EU ban on plastic straws
From July 3, 2021, the ongoing trend towards sustainability will reach a climax. Because from that day on, a plastic straw ban will apply in the European Union. The EU Commission has passed a corresponding ban, which also applies to disposable plastic tableware - in particular drinking cups and cutlery. This ban on plastic straws naturally also applies in Germany and introduces a whole new way of thinking to the market.
But how did it come about?
But how did it come überhaupt to the EU ban für plastic straws? Quite simply, the European Union has recognized the signs of the times. One particular figure may have played an important role in the decision: Around 50 percent of plastic waste is generated by disposable tableware. For decades, this has been causing enormous amounts of plastic waste to accumulate, polluting the oceans, beaches, cities and lands of our world. For this reason, we very much welcome the EU's decision.
Plastic straws - consumption in figures
The consumption of plastic straws has also contributed to pollution and contamination in virtually every country on earth in recent years. This is shown by one extreme figure alone: around three billion plastic straws are consumed worldwide every day.
In Germany, the plastic straw consumption per year is about 40 billion pieces - this is also an almost unbelievable number. The extent and negative impact of this statistic quickly becomes clear when one considers that every 7th item found on beaches or rivers is a plastic straw.
Whoever is aware of these figures will be shocked to learn that the number of plastic straws consumed in Germany is almost unbelievable.
Whoever keeps these figures in mind quickly realizes that plastic straws cause enormous harm to the environment, wildlife and ultimately to people. Therefore, the EU ban is a good sign - but also just a start. We should all take care to reduce our consumption of plastic. With the drinking straws from PAIO, you can start doing that - with every drink.